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Pop Retail


POP Retail, powered by SpaceandPeople, offers a new way to retail efficiently with pop-up kiosk opportunities in prime locations at the time and place of your choosing.

POP Retail are short-term retail specialists offering a network of mobile kiosks in high footfall venues throughout the UK. This is combined with full support and merchandising as part of the package, enabling retailers to sell your products quickly and efficiently.

Our pop-up solution is flexible to retailers’ requirements. We can place kiosks in your preferred locations at any time of the year. This allows both online and niche retailers across the country to “pop up” in centres at a time which is seasonally appropriate to them. This includes Easter, Valentine’s Day, Back to School weeks and Christmas.

POP Retail offers an integrated approach to short-term retail, ensuring retailers are fully supported. This is from idea conception to the first day of selling and potentially to the expansion of the business, working with small or independent business owners.

POP Retail short-term mall lease mobile promotion kiosk
POP Retail Short-Term Mobile Kiosk at a Shopping Mall

Mobile Kiosks or Retail Merchandising Units (RMU) are used as part of the POP process in order to sell your brand or product. As part of our service, the operations team will clean and maintain the kiosk.

We also have in-house merchandisers who can advise retailers on how to create a distinctive presence for their brand or product in their chosen venue to showcase best sellers. This enables retailers to have a successful retailing experience in a top UK venue.

Toys and gifts retail Pop up kiosk - RMU - Middleton Grange
Awesome Gifts – at Middleton Grange